Close to Her Chest
Made on: 11 Sep 2022
Rating: General Audiences
Word Count: 680
Relationship(s): Green (f) & Yellow, Green (f)/Yellow (vaguely)
Characters of Focus: Yellow, Green (f),
Setting: Takes place after chapter 180
Metadata: Only one bed subversion: there's two but we're ignoring that,
Prompt: Healing
Warnings: Canon typical fear of birds (ornithophobia) and reactions thereof, spoilers for the end of the Gold and Silver arc
Summary: After the battle with the Masked Man, Yellow and Green retreat to a nearby hotel to rest.
Beginning Authors Note: Created for
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Green pulls the old t-shirt over her head and yanks down on the hem. Her face stares at her from the bathroom mirror, mostly half obscured by the steam fogging up the surface. Her damp hair clings to her forehead and the skin under her eyes is dark, now without the layer of makeup to hide it.
Yellow’s still laying on one of the hotel beds when Green gets out of the shower. She turns over and watches as Green flops down next to her with an amused huff. Green doesn’t even know why they got a room with two beds. She didn’t even bother attempting to get a discount.
“Hello.” Yellow’s voice is sleepy. “Feeling better after a shower?”
Green hums an affirmative, and as Yellow draws Green's hands close to her chest, Green realizes that her gloves are still laying on the bathroom countertop. Yellow rubs her thumb over the nicks stretched over her knuckles and bows her head slightly in a way that has Green imagining the slight glow that tends to accompany the action.
“Everything's patched up now, right?” She asks into Green's hands.
Yellow's healing powers don’t work on people, on humans, for some reason. The sight of her bowing over Red’s wrists, tears dripping over the hands laid over hands, and apologies overlapping each other until Red shrugged it off with less confidence behind him than normally seared into Green's mind is proof enough of that fact. The relief from aches is not something she expects to accompany the action, and yet something within her chest unwinds anyway.
Green takes a moment to brush her palm against the other’s cheek, once Yellow loosens her grip, before answering.
“We both saw the nurse earlier, silly. I’m fine.”
Yellow nods, eyes closed to the world. Green, as tired as she is, continues anyway.
“The ice isn’t the same as Lorelei’s anyways, there won’t be any permanent damage.”
Yellow turns into Green’s palm, most of her expression obscured except for the small frown peeking out between rumbled sheets and fingers. “I know. I’m just– I just worry.”
“I know you do.” Green sighs.
Her hands stray from below Yellow’s closed eyes to her thin, wiry hair. She brushes the stray strands back and runs her fingers through it.
It devolved to just twisting a strand between her thumb and index when Yellow, who Green thought was already asleep, piped up again.
“You did good today, with the–” She yawns, face pressed into the bed and eyes still closed, “with the birds. You’ve come so far. I’m glad…”
Normally, Green would brush it off, saying it was no big deal. She did so earlier when Red brought up the same sentiment. Except Yellow was there after she captured Zapdos. When Green was barely pulling herself together, snot and tears running down her flushed face, which was normally under such careful control. She was there, healing her jigglypuff and wrapping her arms around her. Allowing Green to grip back ten times tighter and shove her face onto the top of the shorter’s head. She was there, telling her that she did good and that it was ok. Yellow has always had such a way of worming under her careful facade, of making Green feel like she can drop the pretenses for just a moment, so earnest in her ways that Green just has to bask in it, that all she can do is lay there.
Yellow shifts, curling on herself a bit more, before her breathing evens out and deepens. Green watches the slow and sure rise and fall of the girl's chest and wonders how she got herself into such a situation.
She opens her eyes to the light coloring of dawn painting their hotel room. Blond hair stuck to the side of her mouth and Yellow curled into her side. One of her arms is numb, pinned underneath the other’s waist, and the other is flung off of the slide of the bed.
Green sighs, shifts closer to the other girl, and closes her eyes once again.
Ending Authors Note: Gah, these two have my hearts forever...! I can't belive it took me till now to write about them!