Before the Snow Hits
Made on: 21 feb, 2023
Word Count: Drabble (100 words)
Characters of Focus: Shino Kominami
Setting: Durring Cannon.
Prompt: Scenery
Warnings: Spoilers for chapter 3.
Beginning Authors Note: This was originally written for fan_flashworks (where the prompt came from) and
small_fandoms, both on dreamwidth.
I just had to make something for MF&7R for small_fandoms' drabblethon since it's the fandom (of one XD) that made me start writing fanfiction again back in 2019!
Shino settles on the hillside, a change of scenery from the dusty club room. She half expects a familiar voice to call out to her and the leaves above to bloom into pink.
They don’t. The tree stays as it is, brown leaves pulling down at the branches. The person she’s expecting is as gone as Shino suspected she would be when she first saw the rumor.
Regardless, the sunset continues growing into a deep orange. The last light kissing the school building before retreating into the night. Shino resolves to come back more often, at least until the winter.